Daniel Pipes, is one of the foremost experts of the Middle East, Islamism and Jihadism. Founder and president of the Middle Eastern...
Following the much contested executive order on immigration issued by President Donald Trump we wanted to hear the clear voice of Robert...
On the 14th of December, Commentary published Daniel Pipes latest article about the Israeli-Arab conflict, “A New Strategy for Israeli Victory”. The...
Of Egyptian Coptic parents and fluent in Arabic, Raymond Ibrahim is among those scholars and commentators who, like Robert Spencer and David...
Daniel Pipes, is today one of the most alert observers of the Middle East. From the history of Medieval Islam he has...
A clear voice like that of Robert Spencer, the director and founder of Jihad Watch, author of countless articles and numerous bestselling...
Today Benny Morris is one of the foremost experts of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Born in 1948, professor of history at the Ben...
Robert Spencer the pugnacious director-founder of Jihad Watch and co-founder with Pamela Geller of SIOA (Stop Islamization of America), is an inopportune...
David Horowitz is not afraid to speak to your face. From his mouth, when he talks about politics, you will never hear...
Matthias Küntzel is one of the leading international experts in the field of studies which analyze the links between antisemitism, contemporary jihad...